Brand It is universally acknowledge that a unique brand and logo is the most valuable asset for an entity as customers can differentiate your product or services from competitors’ products. It has become very important to protect your brand name and logo from being misuse or duplicated by others. Trademark registration offers many benefits from using unregistered brand names and logos.

Benefits of brand name registration
Brand name registration has various benefits. The brand name owner has been consider as a valid owner of the mark. If suppose another owner registers the brand in the name similar to the existing brand name one should file the suit or concede the brand name. This becomes possible only if the brand name is register.
Domain control
The concept of cybersquatting is describe as buying the domains, to generate the profit. This is done by selling it to business who need those domains. This is why all the business people buy all possible domains.
But brands that don’t have that, sometimes have no choice, especially when they enter new markets. Having a brand name registration for this domain name will go a long way in convincing the court that you have the right to the name. The Uniform Domain Name Resolution Policy (UDRP) also takes the case more seriously if the domain name is trademark.
Control of names and identical names
Once you have brand name registration or logo, you have control of that trademark in those categories (i.e. in those categories). If someone has tried to register with the same name or the same name, it is likely to be denied. If it is not done by the registry, you can do so by filing a protest within four months of being publish in the Trade Marks Journal. Without registration, it will not be impossible for you to simply stop registering these other brands, unless you apply for registration of your brand name.
Logo registration
The logo registration is indispensable if anyone wants to make the business logo secured. The act of infringement is always there in the market since everyone tries to overcome each other in the market and to succeed the goal. So necessarily few safety measures are take. If the trade is related to the production and the aim is to make a business a brand, brand registration or the logo registration is important.

The logo is the intellectual property (IP) of the association and one should register with a specific ultimate goal to create brand mindfulness in potential buyers. A logo can be a word or an expression or any image that is planned in such an approach to communicate with the whole association. Logo registration demonstrates the enormous importance of having legal services. There is assurance that logo registration techniques are characterized by the Trademark Registration Act so that all and future business endeavours can be registered.
The business gets its name and is praise by its extraordinary logos and trademarks and accordingly, it is imperative for every business dreamer to look for a significant logo and then apply for registration with a reason to protect the notoriety of the business organization.
Logos help identify convenient goods and services and their respective origins.
The logo will assure the client about the same quality and reliability.
Is one of the economic ways to promote a business?
The logo will create a reputable image for goods and services globally.
Features of the Perfect logo:
The logo by Mass should be elegant, precise and easy to remember.
The best logo design for a trademark should include essential elements including colours, sketch lines, words, and text or surprise design.
The logo should not conflict with the community or anyone with a religious name; or any geographical name or any registered trademark.
The logo should not contain any promotional or complimentary words.
Firstly, create a trademark of the logo for doing business in any economic sector of India, we offer a complete range of legal and advisory services. The company’s brand and product logo design and our fast, expert and affordable charging services for registration in India include the following activities:
Guide to the selection of company logos or product trademarks, regardless of business / occupation
Design of the selected logo or trademark or service mark

Free trademark search to check the total uniqueness of the selected / suggested logo or trademark. Our professionals are well verse in the search for free logos for trademarking in any field.
Trademark infringement analysis and necessary changes to make equally unique.
File application for registration of proposed logo or trademark with relevant zonal trademark trade fee of India (Form TM-1)
Dealing with trademark opposition cases and conducting trademark proceedings for full and speedy registration.
Logo Registration Process:
The first step in the logo registration process is to find out if your intended logo is present for registration. If your type of logo is already register and therefore not available for registration we will help you save your money. We will search a comprehensive logo on various registers and write a full report for you on our findings. We promise that our search will be complete in 24 hours.

Trademark infringement, even if done accidentally, can lead to serious legal obligations. So it is very crucial to do a search online to make sure your company’s trademark name and logo are not used elsewhere.
Trademark registrations in India are regulate by the Indian Comptroller General PF Patent Designs and Trademarks. Visit their website to find the Trade Online trademark search database. You can run the search yourself or even get professional help. A list of attorneys who work under Indian trademark and patent law is readily available online. In the trademark search page, you need to provide:
The trademark name you shortlisted
Trademark class (There are a total of 45 different classes to choose from.)
Only when the search option shows “No matches found” indicates that your trademark is unique and you can move on to the next step.